Monday, November 8, 2010

What matters in the long run?

It is almost humorous where my last post ended because it could tie into this blog. My first question is, what matters in the long run? In reference to my last blog, part of the point was that there seems to be little to no profit to celebrating Halloween. On the contrary, it seems if have detrimental affects in the long run. What really matters in life? Fame or wealth? Well, that tends to be the common belief, but what is the difference between a very wealthy dead man and a very poor dead man?

The book that I would save would be the Bible.

The Bible is believed by, a seemly dwindling group of people, to be the Word of God. By that, I mean, that it seems fewer and fewer people around the world proclaim that the Bible is the written Word of God. It is disappointing to think about that. The Bible is one of the oldest books the world has and I think the most valuable. Some people might claim that it is simply not true. However, history has proven the Bible to be accurate. There have been writings found which often state the same thing that a certain part of the Bible does. Evolutionists have actively tried to disprove the Bible, but they are never able to. In fact, it is interesting to think about what evolutionists believe and how they try to support it.

Evolutionists can only make their theories work by bending or completely ignoring laws of physics and science. Can you look at the trees outside during this fall, see the beauty that is painted there and simply think nothing of it? What about oceans or mountains? How could something as wonderful and amazing as the earth, and our entire solar system for that matter, explode from a speck of nothing and to arrange itself so perfectly distance-wise from the sun that it allows life to spontaneously grown from nothing? How is that the earth is perfect for human life? If you moved the earth even a few degrees out of its current orbit,it would either be to hot, or to cold for life. How can something come into being from nothing, and if evolution does happen, why hasn't it continued? Shouldn't there be a race of something better than humans at this point?

The Bible provides explanations for these questions and others. It has answers to questions of what matters in life. For example, Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."


  1. I completely agree. I can also see you copied me. Way to be creative BEN!

  2. Hate to play the devils' advocate here, but what answers does teh Bible provide? To simply follow a doctorine because a vengeful God says so leaves a lot of question to my mind.

    I will agree that the Bible, as read as fable, provides many, many wonderful lessons, but i have a hard time following it as a doctrine.

    Just throwing in my two cents!
